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Outfitting apprentices with the right gear for the job

steel blue work boots worn by tradies

From steel cap boots to health and wellbeing, training the next generation of skilled workers is a big responsibility with even bigger rewards.

This is the second in a three-part series on apprenticeships. In this article, we’ll unpack what apprentices need to succeed in a safe and productive workplace.

The benefits of investing in apprenticeships

Investing in trainees and apprentices pays off big time for businesses, teams and the national economy.

Skilled apprentices future-proof your business

Outside hires are less likely to meet your standards, especially if they’re inexperienced. On the other hand, training apprentices means you can pass on everything you know.

Productivity goes up

Apprentices are a cost-effective hiring solution in a period of unprecedented labour shortages.

Clients get continuity

Your clients will be happy to see you investing in the country’s future workforce – plus, they’ll trust the apprentice to deliver the same quality of work.

steel blue women's work boots

Apprentices are loyal

The latest data from Australia’s National Centre for Vocational Education Research showed that 94% of trade-qualified apprentices were employed after training. Apprentices are looking for careers, not temporary jobs.

Experienced workers become leaders

Bringing on apprentices allows your team to step up and lead by example. Take Dutch furniture maker Floor Doelman, for instance. Starting at age 15, Floor chased her dream to work in carpentry and today runs her own business.

As well as her own tenacity (and a regifted pair of Steel Blue work boots), Floor credits dedicated study with helping her achieve excellence.

What you need to know before bringing on apprentices

There are lots of benefits to supporting apprenticeships. But what are your responsibilities as a manager or business owner?

Employers must provide appropriate PPE and safety training

Taking pride in personal wellbeing is one of the essential lessons for apprentices. As an employer or manager, it’s your responsibility to ensure apprentices have the gear and knowledge to work safely. That includes high-quality work boots, protective clothing, and hazard awareness training.

Explore Steel Blue’s work safety boots for apprentices, including steel cap and composite toe boots, job-specific safety features, women’s work boots and non-safety footwear.

Apprentices have a lot to learn

Training apprentices takes effort, perseverance and leadership, but the work is worth it. Make sure to recognise their achievements and keep them accountable when the job gets challenging.

Scheduling isn’t always straightforward

Many apprentices have study commitments that prevent them from working full-time. You need to be adaptable to these scheduling challenges and work with your team to accommodate (within reason) a trainee’s part-time availability.

steel blue black work boots

Are you ready to take the next step?

Before hiring trainees, ensure your business is set up to provide a productive, safe and educational experience. With the proper support, apprentices can achieve excellence in a short space of time.

We’re big believers in fostering future talent at Steel Blue. You’re also investing in your business and building your leadership potential by supporting the next generation of skilled workers.

Steel Blue designs and manufactures the most comfortable work boots for apprentices, seasoned tradies and senior leaders. Show your apprentices how it’s done by outfitting them with the best work safety boots on the market.

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